in this world start to put their money where their mouths are, and agree that THEY will ensure that these unwanted fetuses will be cared for financially and emotionally through adulthood, then they should just be quiet and let individual women decide for themselves what is best.

Abortion is NEVER an easy decision for a woman. Anyone who has gone through one will assure you of that fact. I don't know why people think we women take such a topic and decision so cavalierly, like it's akin to whether or not we want 1 or 2 spoons of sugar in our morning tea. It's not. Give us some credit.

As many posters before have mentioned, an unwanted child is more likely to experience abuse, resentment, etc. at the hands of its parent(s). While maternity is pretty obvious, in many parts of the world establishing paternity is a bigger deal. And being pregnant and unmarried is a crime in many societies and cultures -- the one we all live in included. Perhaps if governments changed that, more women would be inclined to carry to term and give birth.

And if you think making abortion illegal/difficult to obtain will stop women from seeking them out or getting them any way that they can, you're wrong. History has shown us this already.

If abortion opponents were truly sincere about reducing the number of "murders" (as they see them), they'd focus on trying to improve women's conditions so that they were less inclined to terminate a pregnancy -- and by this I mean improving their economic condition, their educational condition, and a whole host of other things. Until that happens, I can't take seriously someone who is trying to force their religious/moral beliefs on someone else.

My body. My life. My choice.