PEACE BE UPON YOU,I KNOW AROUND me many women who are dying just to have one baby then when i hear that there are woman who are having abortion i feel really sad if you get pregnant by accident just continue it. god created it and you should not disagree with him just give this baby for adoption if you cannot raise him and many woman decided to do this but once the baby was born they changed there minds,it is the miracle that we women help with it is a privilege that we are given.
PEACE BE UPON YOU,I KNOW AROUND me many women who are dying just to have one baby then when i hear that there are woman who are having abortion i feel really sad if you get pregnant by accident just continue it. god created it and you should not disagree with him just give this baby for adoption if you cannot raise him and many woman decided to do this but once the baby was born they changed there minds,it is the miracle that we women help with it is a privilege that we are given.