that covering up in hijab would undoubtedly feel liberating, I'll share with you the experience of one girlfriend who converted (and covered) and married a local here.

Initially, she, too, felt the way you described: how great, I can roll out of bed in my pajamas and just throw my abaya on over top and it'll be great. Won't worry about hair or anything. But after a few years of this, both she and I noticed that her self-esteen had slowly started to was as if this black abaya had swallowed her up and sucked away all of her personal sense of style. She still loved looking at fashions, etc. but she'd always think "what's the use?".

She still covers, and though her self-esteem has improved, she struggles with wearing abaya and not being able to express herself as fully as she once did with her personal sense of style/fashion.

So be careful what you wish for, habibti!