I think people should analyze many things at Qatar..specially companies that bring people from all around the world..
for instance..during summer time I spend holydays at Brazil with my family, people there go shopping with bikinis and men with "sleeps" or "zungas" (I don't know how to say in english but is a very tight bathingsuit for men)and Im talking about moms, dads, children, no matter if you're fat, or skinny. or black, or pink or yellow or green!! haha. I know that for Qatar to see something like that is TOO MUCH, but my point is: if a western lady or girl dress with a "sleeveless shirt" or "capri pants" is because for us that's not "showing everything", is not like want to call everyones attention, and is not because we are bad persons or "unpure women"..I don't know if someone gets what im trying to say