what every other country/race/religious groups does, too.

C'mon -- quit being so narrow-minded, advocate! The Israelis are not the big bad boogeymen of the planet. Just as Dano said, no group in the world is innocent of offenses. So condemning only them is misleading.

Perhaps I should have said to my son "Yes, they have killed some babies...but only after Hamas and Hezbollah sent men strapped with bombs into their towns and markets to kill many people, and then hid out in people's houses using their families and children as human shields."

Maybe THAT would have been more accurate.

I know where you stand on the issue, advocate. There's no need to hijack yet ANOTHER thread so you can spout the same old speech. This thread was addressed to those of us who are parents, who are struggling to raise our kids in an environment where hatred of Israelis and Jews is pretty universal.
Do you even have any kids?

Move along now....