religiously observant people of any faith. But when you can't criticise something because it's "off limits' then you're expecting nonbelievers to observe the same level of reverence for something that a believer has, and that's not really fair.
It's also hard for us 'nonbelievers' to have any kind of conversation or debate about a topic when the bottom line for religious people is "because God said so" or "because it's in the holy book".
For us, it's just like someone saying "because the voices in my head told me so". How can you argue/debate something with someone who bases things on nothing more than faith? You can't.

And advocatefk -- I think you missed roadtester's larger point, which seemed to be that despite people claiming there is only one Islam, Muslim/Islamic behavior demonstrates a completely different reality. So it's confusing for us when individuals come out and say 'Islam clearly says this or that' when there are obviously a lot of different opinions and interpretations about stuff within the religion itself.