Precisely because most of the miscreants who do these awful things specificaly SAY that they are doing so in the name of Allah or God or their religion. That's why!

It's been brought up before, but again -- the invisible majority of moderate Muslims fail to speak out publicly when stuff like this happens -- so what the rest of the non-Muslim world sees and hears is a bunch of people who say they are Muslims, committing some atrocity which they say they have done in the name of Islam.

And while I understand what you and other posters have said about Muslims being especially sensitive or devout in their faith, and that's why they take it so personally when someone criticizes Islam, the bottom line is that it's still going to happen.

The rest of the world will not agree to treat your faith with kid gloves just because it hurts your sensibilities when people say mean things about Islam. Nobody gets special treatment.

Nor does anyone get license to respond to said criticism in a violent way, just because they feel they've been provoked. Everyone is responsible for their own actions and emotions.