... because these lechers can't control themselves. Why is that our problem?
Country culture and muslim requirements DO NOT request that we be dressed in a burqa... the acceptable is wearing non-revealing and modest clothing.
AGAIN - a plain t-shirt (not tight) and jeans (not tight) is NOT REVEALING or IMMODEST.

Im getting more amazed at some of the responses.... "Women - dress better" "Women are wearing provocative clothing that asks for this" (all in so many words).
Grow up!

Im in Qatar and not in Saudi. Qatar is not as restrictive as Saudi and therefore I can wear a t-shirt and jeans and shouldn't have to feel embarassed.
Its the MEN that can't control themselves and put it on the women to make it impossible for the opportunity for them have a shot and being leches... or shall I say LEECHES!

My husband (who's muslim) says that its even more exciting for men to see women in a burqa anyway because it makes their imagination go crazy with 'whats underneath'.

Suggest all of the lechers think with the right head!
