Although Northwestern is still a relatively new university over at Ed City, I wonder whether they would pack up and leave if the Center decided to close up shop here. I suspect they would try to remain and find some other solution to the internships conundrum (perhaps placing students abroad with other news organizations).

Privately, I've always wondered why in the hell they chose to even come here, given the dismal state of freedom of the media here.
Not like this place is a bastion of free thinking and speech...

Fubar: I am with you on which situation would be better. At least if the lines are clearly defined, you know how to gauge your behavior and words accordingly. But if you're deliberately vague about what is and isn't allowed, then people self-censor even more than they would have perhaps been instructed to in the first place.
Kind of a win-win for them...they appear free superficially to the outside world, and they also don't have to wrestle with the big issues that go along with freedom of the press. Perfect.

"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou