Do I really think God gave them this land? I don't know...I wasn't around back then. But the same way you're asking "when did He do this, why didn't He give the Jews the strength to stay there, etc." -- someone could say the same about the current situation: if the Palestinians and Muslims were truly meant to be there, then why isn't God helping them more? It that's the logic you're going to use, then it's clear who God wants to inhabit that piece of land, because the Jews definitely seem to have the upper hand.
Certainly the Jews think that God promised them that land. Probably the same way that Muslims believe that they have a mandate to make ALL of that area an Islamic state.
But all of this is a little off topic. What I said before in my earlier post was merely my attempt to answer the question of why many western countries refuse to recognize or deal with Hamas. Maybe they will change their tune and start to work with them, but I can certainly understand why they might choose not to.
And is this any different than many Arab countries refusing to have diplomatic ties or deal with Israel? All countries have a right to set their own policies about who they will and won't have relations with. There are certainly risks to not dealing with certain players, but as long as countries accept those consequences, I guess it's their choice to make.
"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou
there has never been a country called Palestine.
Do I really think God gave them this land? I don't know...I wasn't around back then. But the same way you're asking "when did He do this, why didn't He give the Jews the strength to stay there, etc." -- someone could say the same about the current situation: if the Palestinians and Muslims were truly meant to be there, then why isn't God helping them more? It that's the logic you're going to use, then it's clear who God wants to inhabit that piece of land, because the Jews definitely seem to have the upper hand.
Certainly the Jews think that God promised them that land. Probably the same way that Muslims believe that they have a mandate to make ALL of that area an Islamic state.
But all of this is a little off topic. What I said before in my earlier post was merely my attempt to answer the question of why many western countries refuse to recognize or deal with Hamas. Maybe they will change their tune and start to work with them, but I can certainly understand why they might choose not to.
And is this any different than many Arab countries refusing to have diplomatic ties or deal with Israel? All countries have a right to set their own policies about who they will and won't have relations with. There are certainly risks to not dealing with certain players, but as long as countries accept those consequences, I guess it's their choice to make.
"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou