there isn't even a question listed in the original post.
At most, one might be able to say that the last sentence is a question (minus an actual question mark) -- but it asks "Why do u think is that" -- asking for personal opinions.
I think most folks HAVE chimed in with their opinion, so they have answered that question.

I don't have a problem with people criticizing the Holocaust. If they deny it, I personally think they're pretty stupid, but if they want to criticize it, they can go ahead. Likewise with the Danish cartoons -- I fully supported them. Free speech for all! :-)

Re: my comment about Palestine never being a country - The historical region of Palestine was a recognized area, but never has there been a proper country with its own government called "Palestine, or people with passports hailing from "Palestine". THAT was my point. I fully appreciate that many people consider themselves 'Palestinians', people who have generations of family coming from that part of the world.

"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou