Seems to me most people on here (men AND women) were simply asking you to defend your assertion that it's a widely-known and universally-accepted "TRUTH" that women are too emotional to handle certain jobs/roles.

And other than to cite Adam and Eve as an example (which, sorry to say, isn't a really strong piece of evidence for your argument), you haven't really done that.

Nobody is saying you can't believe or think something yourself, but I/we took issue with you brandishing it about on here like it was crystal clear to everyone with a brain that women cannot be rational because they menstruate, and thus are not capable of making important decisions.

Human biology shows that both men and women have lots of hormones running through their bodies. And while women have more of one kind and men have more of another kind, we all have a certain amount of them all, and they affect behavior (and not just women's behavior, and not just the hormone that women have more of).

So if you're going to argue that women are more emotional than men (and thus unfit to make decisions), you'll have to counter against the assertion that men are more aggressive than women (and thus unfit to make decisions).

"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou