Khalid is clearly trying to convert all women to his preferred style of dress in order to avoid the obsession he has with seeing women's bodies.
"Women protected from the lustful gaze??? " Ummm... let me see, that, perhaps is the man's issue, not the womans. Which according to Khalid's very descriptive and non subtle conversion techniques simply reinforces the fact that he's generalizing that men cant control themselves. Everytime I read stuff like this... it only looks bad for all men.... not just the few that try to justify it through writings. Its unfortunate.
As for HH, I think its great how she dresses and honestly sets the tone for muslim women in up and coming countries. Its fabulous!
But, I guess its also like everyone judges Queen Elizabeth and the new US First Lady on their garb..... something to talk about. They won't please the Christians or the Protestants or the Hindus or whatever... so, guess they just go along with what they feel is best... which is exactly what most women do.
