School fees here are pricey, so make sure your company will cover their tuition. You do NOT have to come out here alone first as Omar said; if your company knows you're coming with kids in tow, they should be able to get all the necessary paperwork done so you all come together. If they can't do this, then I'd question their level of professionalism and think twice about coming out here.
Finding a nanny is very cheap here. Once your visa paperwork is done, you can sponsor a live-in nanny or you can simply hire a part-timer. If you go thru an agency to hire a live-in, agency fees will run you about QR7000. Salaries range according to nationality (Filipinos are preferred by many for their English skills), but most westerners I know pay their part-timers about QR 2000-2500/mo plus transportation, live-ins anywhere from QR1000/mo on up. Part-timers salaries are usually higher than live-ins because you aren't providing room and board. But as a single mom myself, if you can sponsor a live-in (and have housing enough to house them) then it works better because then you have your evenings and some weekends covered -- thus giving you a social life.
I think the main issues you should get squared away with the job offer are tuition fees, private health insurance, decent housing or housing allowance (if allowance, nothing less than 12K, preferably 15K), tickets home once a year for you and all your dependents.
"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou
School fees here are pricey, so make sure your company will cover their tuition. You do NOT have to come out here alone first as Omar said; if your company knows you're coming with kids in tow, they should be able to get all the necessary paperwork done so you all come together. If they can't do this, then I'd question their level of professionalism and think twice about coming out here.
Finding a nanny is very cheap here. Once your visa paperwork is done, you can sponsor a live-in nanny or you can simply hire a part-timer. If you go thru an agency to hire a live-in, agency fees will run you about QR7000. Salaries range according to nationality (Filipinos are preferred by many for their English skills), but most westerners I know pay their part-timers about QR 2000-2500/mo plus transportation, live-ins anywhere from QR1000/mo on up. Part-timers salaries are usually higher than live-ins because you aren't providing room and board. But as a single mom myself, if you can sponsor a live-in (and have housing enough to house them) then it works better because then you have your evenings and some weekends covered -- thus giving you a social life.
I think the main issues you should get squared away with the job offer are tuition fees, private health insurance, decent housing or housing allowance (if allowance, nothing less than 12K, preferably 15K), tickets home once a year for you and all your dependents.
"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou