other than intelligent discussion, tolerance and respect for things that are different.

And what's with the "don't play with religion, you'll lose" comment? Honestly...who appointed YOU to be the sole policeman of your faith? If your postings and attitude on here are supposed to be at all representative of how Islam encourages Muslims to behave, then trust me, you're in NO position to lecture at PM (or anyone) to "know her religion first."

PM and some other QL posters have a helluva lot more knowledge and understanding about their religion than your haughty self seems to demonstrate. Your dismissive, antagonistic comments that belittle other people's beliefs are not only rude and inappropriate, but they paint a very unattractive portrait of your faith, a religion that I know to be worthy of better representation than what you give it here.

Like some others before you, your behavior and words cause those outside your religion to wonder "if THIS is what a Muslim thinks and sounds like, then maybe I should keep looking...".
Perhaps you should consider using the holy month of Ramadan to engage in some introspection about whether you're truly modeling your faith in a positive manner for others around you.
Think long and hard about that one...

"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou