I wouldn't expect to hear/see Muslims complaining about fasting. It's their religion, their choice.

Ditto for kids who fast. I am sure they feel a sense of pride as if they are joining the ranks of the adult Muslim world by participating in this very important ritual and sacrifice.

That's probably NOT how the non-Muslim sees it when he's stuck in traffic, his car A/C isn't working too well, and he's dying to grab the bottle of water that's laying on the passenger seat and take a gulp.

As for covering for colleagues during religious holidays, I think that swings ALL ways (others workers would probably offer to cover the Christians during Xmas, the Jews during Rosh Hashanah/Hannukah, the Muslims during Eids, the Hindus during Diwali, etc.) -- the same way you do for colleagues when it's their kid's birthday or their anniversary. Kind of a 'quid pro quo" arrangement...

"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou