"Dear Parents,

It is with some disappointment that I write to inform you that The American School
of Doha will be closed for this upcoming week. The original decision to open was
based on our preparedness and successful protocols for H1N1 that operated during the
first five weeks of school; however, we are guests in Qatar and we have been told to
close for the upcoming week by the Supreme Council of Education. We want to be good
guests in Doha and we want to be supportive of all efforts within the country to
maintain a healthy environment for all students within the country. To this end, we
will follow the directives from the SEC.

Our intent will be to utilize this week to initiate our "virtual school" to teach
lessons, give homework, and to collect papers. I realize that this will be quite
limited in the lower elementary grade levels but we will do our best to continue
learning for our students with your assistance and collaboration. Students should
be prepared to access their classes via "virtual school" by the end of the day
tomorrow. All teachers will be at work on campus during the regular school hours.

I will keep you updated on any news that pertains to the re-opening of school.

As always, thanks for your support."

Reading between the lines, I think one can see that ASD doesn't have any dire H1N1 issues (they've been open for over a month now people, with no mass outbreaks). They are being forced to close so that the SEC doesn't look quite so inept and incompetent by only making Qatari/independent schools (that couldn't get their act together over the holy month of Ramadan to have appropriate measures in place) close for this week.

Typical business as usual in Doha...

FranElizabeth: I am a parent AND an educator. But this decision makes absolutely no sense to me.

"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx