were open enough to tell me about some of their early sexual experiences that involved other boys/men. Through these same people, I have heard tales of their friends and colleagues who have solicited sex from other men -- their employees (that one really pissed me off -- I have no problem with consenting adults doing whatever sexually, but forcing your houseboy to let you blow/grope/violate him is a gross abuse of power), lady boys they see at parties, etc.
Observer: why do you think gays are consciously choosing this lifestyle? If you were them, knowing what you do about how the world at large views homosexuality, would YOU choose that lifestyle?
Think about that. Just invite all the abuse and misfortune that being gay brings into your life...who in their right mind would CHOOSE that kind of a life?
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx
were open enough to tell me about some of their early sexual experiences that involved other boys/men. Through these same people, I have heard tales of their friends and colleagues who have solicited sex from other men -- their employees (that one really pissed me off -- I have no problem with consenting adults doing whatever sexually, but forcing your houseboy to let you blow/grope/violate him is a gross abuse of power), lady boys they see at parties, etc.
Observer: why do you think gays are consciously choosing this lifestyle? If you were them, knowing what you do about how the world at large views homosexuality, would YOU choose that lifestyle?
Think about that. Just invite all the abuse and misfortune that being gay brings into your life...who in their right mind would CHOOSE that kind of a life?
"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx