(more than just the two I posted links to) said the ISRAELIS had their invitations/permission revoked. But the articles spoke of it as if it were a ban on JEWS...so that point is a little unclear for me too.

I think this is being seen as a purely political move because the Israelis were given invitations to the conference and they had been granted permission (by the Egyptian govt.) to attend, and at the last minute, the Egyptian health minister revoked it all -- without giving a reason.

If the minister would offer up a reason, then people could understand things better. But minus any additional information, on the surface this looks like blatant discrimination.

To me, it seems spiteful -- and precarious, because they're basically putting the organization (the largest breast cancer advocacy group in the WORLD) in the situation of having to choose between its vocal and financially generous donors in the US (who are outraged that this has occured) or keeping their mouths shut, staying put, and doing a modicum of good in Egypt, raising awareness about breast cancer -- while risking the future of their existence.

Another irony: Israeli researchers and developers developed the first fully computerized, no radiation diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer.

"Marriage is a wonderful institution...but who wants to live in an institution?" -- Groucho Marx