who grew the child in her uterus for nine months, gave birth to him and basically raised him single handedly for the last ten years?

Do you and this culture value women so very little that you'd seriously say that his distant paternal extended family has more claim to him than his attentive and caring birth mother with whom he had lived his entire life up until a month ago?

God never hits with a stick.
I hope his Qatari relatives remember this saying.
I hope they also realize that their behavior through this entire abhorrent incident (taking him by force, lying to and tricking the mother into signing a document that she would never have signed otherwise, not allowing him a chance to even see his mother) has nothing to do with following their Deen correctly, and has made them all unclean.
Good luck on their getting God to accept their supplications and prayers with this on their record.

"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris