And while we may only know one side of the story, it's not for lack of trying to get more info. If the other side isn't providing details, then all people have to go on and base their decision on is what's in front of them.
Personally, I feel pretty good about my decision (that the mom should have custody) in spite of the dearth of details from the Qatari relatives. At this point, it would take evidence of serious wrong-doing (read: abuse, neglect) on the part of the boy's mother for me to think the Qatari relatives had more claim to him than she does. And since there hasn't been anything even hinting at that, it doesn't seem like my mind will be changing anytime soon.
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris
of people here.
And while we may only know one side of the story, it's not for lack of trying to get more info. If the other side isn't providing details, then all people have to go on and base their decision on is what's in front of them.
Personally, I feel pretty good about my decision (that the mom should have custody) in spite of the dearth of details from the Qatari relatives. At this point, it would take evidence of serious wrong-doing (read: abuse, neglect) on the part of the boy's mother for me to think the Qatari relatives had more claim to him than she does. And since there hasn't been anything even hinting at that, it doesn't seem like my mind will be changing anytime soon.
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris