are not directly involved in a situation and are powerless feel like we're doing something productive.
Not a damn thing will come of this petition, unless you're going to get some high ranking Qatari official to sign it (fat chance) or have the collective CEOs of Exxon-Mobil, Conoco Philips, and QP all sign it.
Don't hold your breath.

Here's a sobering quote I found that speaks to the chances of this decision being reversed(from 2003):
"The Embassy has no knowledge of an American or any western woman ever winning custody of dual-national children in a Sharia court." (this is in reference to KSA, not Qatar)(

I don't see anything more than visitation happening for the mother -- unless (as she seems to imply) the motive is money/access to the dead brother's inheritance and she trades that away for her son.

I think the mother should give it some more time to see if the family will do the right thing and begin regular visitation/contact with her son. And if they don't show any serious movement in that regard pretty darn soon (serious meaning NOT the crap the uncle pulled recently where he showed up and said she could visit then called after he left the office and withdrew that offer), she should quickly move onto Plan B which should be to contract with an outside group and get plans in place to steal her son back.

"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris