u can do that...just to show the pihak atasan that u're really menyesal for what had happen,...

but an advice from me,since they'all dah bercerai,and i bet u really need ur keja....lupakan lelaki 2 and tell the pihak atasan that u x tahu pun lelaki 2 dah kahwin....tipu la a little bit..kite dtg jauh2 tuk keja,remember that.....some of us had families back home that rely on us....with this kind of problem...i guess u know better how the pihak atasan will deal with,again im telling u(since pompuan 2 ade bukti)cakap ngan pihak atasan that u xtahu dia dah kahwin and u have no attentions on memusnahkan rumahtangga org lain....

^^^fools rush in where angels fear to tread^^^