halfblindman: People who live in glass houses should not cast stones. You spelled a few words wrong in your original post. There is no English word "cuz," except for the slang word for cousin. The correct word is "because." Some people mistakenly use "cause" for "because" and that is also incorrect. You said there are mistakes on signs and called them "sinages." The correct word is "signage," which is already plural so there's no need to add the "s". So unless you are making up a word that addresses the age of someone's sin, it is incorrect. I won't even go into the grammar mistakes and the words you just plain left out. Maybe you should just worry about proofreading your own material first and let the rest of us be entertained by the multi-cutural mesh of languages here in Doha. Besides, there are worse mistakes, and a salon for children by Burger King RA called "Children's Saloon" tops them all!
halfblindman: People who live in glass houses should not cast stones. You spelled a few words wrong in your original post. There is no English word "cuz," except for the slang word for cousin. The correct word is "because." Some people mistakenly use "cause" for "because" and that is also incorrect. You said there are mistakes on signs and called them "sinages." The correct word is "signage," which is already plural so there's no need to add the "s". So unless you are making up a word that addresses the age of someone's sin, it is incorrect. I won't even go into the grammar mistakes and the words you just plain left out. Maybe you should just worry about proofreading your own material first and let the rest of us be entertained by the multi-cutural mesh of languages here in Doha. Besides, there are worse mistakes, and a salon for children by Burger King RA called "Children's Saloon" tops them all!