the have fredon to come and go even on off day, provided they abide by the curfew of 10pm where no males are allowed after 10pm. I live in my own apartment so dont have that problem but i know its hard to have a curfew.Also they are not allowed to sleep out and have to show ID cards at the entrance. Yes these are annoying.Cameras are there if there is an incident that is reported,then they will check their cameras to see what happened.
Uhm about the private taxis,I havn't heard of girls getting questioned when going in prv taxis,that is ok.But i think you mean when they go to the QR Towers they have to go by karwa or with their husband or family.Although many times I could not find a karwa and I went to the Towers by private taxi,I just sat at the back and anyone could see it was a prv taxi because it wasn't like a flashy car or anything one questioned nor did i get into trouble. So i guess it shouldn't look like it is your boyfirend taking you to the Towers lol. Yes we can take the company busses to go to the towers as long as we wear our ID's. But our ID's have to be worn at all times at the offices anyway, and we have to dress in business/smart attire (no jeans)..
Yes if the cabin seniors or cabin senior directors report a case or bad incident, they will investigate the matter and see if the crew is fit to stay in the comapny or should be terminated. I guess they do terminate crew but only those who do not follow the rules. So we have to be careful and just always keep professional.