This restaurant is located in Gharaffah. If you go form Immigration towards Markhiya R/A, about when you can see the Madinat Khalifa traffic police station on your left, there should be a slip road on your right. Take it, turning right down the road. After about 500 m, you will see several shops, etc. Down one side street (it runs parallel to the main road you were originally on) you should see the sign for the restaurant. Tel number is 4487-6685.
This restaurant is located in Gharaffah. If you go form Immigration towards Markhiya R/A, about when you can see the Madinat Khalifa traffic police station on your left, there should be a slip road on your right. Take it, turning right down the road. After about 500 m, you will see several shops, etc. Down one side street (it runs parallel to the main road you were originally on) you should see the sign for the restaurant. Tel number is 4487-6685.