evidenced by the place offered to my daughter in yr4 starting Sept 201l several months ago. No assessment, no interview, no visit by her was required, they just took a look at her yr2 end of yr report from a London state school in her application and that was enough.

Sherborne on the other hand put her through a 2hr computer assessment before offering her a place. Her younger sibling spent 2 hrs in a classroom with other children so she had time to become comfortable and the teacher could see how she interacted with other children and in the classroom situation.

In comparing assessments between schools, Doha colleges' assessment of our younger one consisted of a 15 min chat with a teacher, no warm-up, no interaction with other children or observation in a classroom setting.

I'm mentioning our experience to illustrate that there is no school that applies their admission policy consistently and that what they do as an assessment varies too. Whether a school carries out or waives their normal admission procedures is not an indication of quality, or lack of it.