Frenchie stated. "
There is no requirement for Christians, for Jews it is required of converts, I have no idea about Islam"

I just wanted to clarify that it is not a logical discussion in response to the above statement.

There are many muslims in america who think america is their they not have a say in this matter/discussion?

Maybe it is part of the anti Islam vibe sweeping the US and Europe at the moment...reminds me of the time when the Pope used to villify the muslims and Islam to gather support for the Crusades....sounds familiar right?

Statements like; Islam is demonic, barbaric, oppressive..." were played time after nothing really has changed right over the last 1400 years?

The non-muslims will always have a bias against Islam. This is for sure.

My second point is that all actions are material; there is no right or wrong in them. It takes something external to them to define them as right or wrong. Muslims have Islam as their guide to determine the goodness or badness of actions. In secular countries right and wrong are continuously changing as it depends on mans whims and desires at that time.