If you wish to stay in Doha city and working in QP then 2 BHK -QAR 6000 furnished apartment , 3 BHK QAR 8000 , Villa QAR 12,000 per month .

If you wish to stay away from city , you can go Ezdan Village 31 / 28 / 7 /21 all now opening where you get 6 months free , when you sign 12 months rent contract . Furnished apartments offered by them , 2 BHK QAR 5300 , 3 BHK QAR 6400 , Villa QAR 9400 includes electricity and water expenses unlimited usage. You only need to walk in with your clothes here . Maintenance by them . If you want studio apartment , QAR 3250 per month furnished . Finally after 6 months free , your rent will be Above figure divided by 18 = Amount in QAR X value

Also you get gym , swimming  pool , compounded complex with supermarket , laundry , mosque , basketball court , TT , Pool in the compound -free usage.

Finally depends what your budget is and how big your family is & where your office location is .