Unfortunately, its classified as manual laborer or unskilled workers here. And what she'll be getting is higher than her Nepali or Sri Lankan counterparts.
Example: Our office hired a teaboy plus 2x a week cleaning. The monthly bill is QAR2200, but the teaboy gets 800 riyals, plus accommodation.
I had a team of Nepali cleaners and they only get 500riyals + 200 food allowance. They have free accommodation.
back home.
Unfortunately, its classified as manual laborer or unskilled workers here. And what she'll be getting is higher than her Nepali or Sri Lankan counterparts.
Example: Our office hired a teaboy plus 2x a week cleaning. The monthly bill is QAR2200, but the teaboy gets 800 riyals, plus accommodation.
I had a team of Nepali cleaners and they only get 500riyals + 200 food allowance. They have free accommodation.