@Kear, no, you will only find PC parts in Sofitel and it'll be probably twice as expensive as you would get it online. There is no way you will be able to find what you want for a reasonable price around here. Buying online is not a big deal, it just involves a lot of waiting.
Also, about the EVGA version. That's what it might seems from the looks of it. But from the experience of the owners it does not run hot at all. Check some of the reviews on that particular card and you'll see that the FTW version does a good job in both overclock-ability and temperature. Not to mention the price difference in the Asus version, it's a good $50+ for absolutely no difference.
@Mr.S, you're actually correct about the SSD size, but for a budget build 64GB should suffice for OS and main programs. He can get another SSD in the future if he needs to. As for the CPU cooler, it depends on what case he's getting. For a budget build a full tower isn't really necessary so something like the HAF 912 will probably be enough, and for that he can't fit anything bigger than the H60-H70.. about the ram, there's no performance gain in getting the Dominator, it's just a difference in looks.. -.-
Oh and I got the HAF 912 Advanced for 600 riyals last summer, it was a good deal!
@Kear, no, you will only find PC parts in Sofitel and it'll be probably twice as expensive as you would get it online. There is no way you will be able to find what you want for a reasonable price around here. Buying online is not a big deal, it just involves a lot of waiting.
Also, about the EVGA version. That's what it might seems from the looks of it. But from the experience of the owners it does not run hot at all. Check some of the reviews on that particular card and you'll see that the FTW version does a good job in both overclock-ability and temperature. Not to mention the price difference in the Asus version, it's a good $50+ for absolutely no difference.
And, yes, Amazon ships to Qatar. But when you are searching look for 'Amazon Global Eligible' items, or use this link to search: http://www.amazon.com/International-Shipping-Direct/b?ie=UTF8&node=23065...
@Mr.S, you're actually correct about the SSD size, but for a budget build 64GB should suffice for OS and main programs. He can get another SSD in the future if he needs to. As for the CPU cooler, it depends on what case he's getting. For a budget build a full tower isn't really necessary so something like the HAF 912 will probably be enough, and for that he can't fit anything bigger than the H60-H70.. about the ram, there's no performance gain in getting the Dominator, it's just a difference in looks.. -.-
Oh and I got the HAF 912 Advanced for 600 riyals last summer, it was a good deal!