The inlet hose sprung a leak which flooded the whole unit. My guess is that either the pump tripped (or got damaged) on low inlet pressure or the water got somewhere it shouldn't. I'd much rather get Q-Chill to fix it, as I'm sure it's a formality to them. If I continue to draw a blank by calling their number, I'll try someone else, but they may not know what they're looking at when they open the box!
The inlet hose sprung a leak which flooded the whole unit. My guess is that either the pump tripped (or got damaged) on low inlet pressure or the water got somewhere it shouldn't. I'd much rather get Q-Chill to fix it, as I'm sure it's a formality to them. If I continue to draw a blank by calling their number, I'll try someone else, but they may not know what they're looking at when they open the box!