Bringing a New born to doha
By Chapstick7 •
I wanted to know the procedure for bringing a new born baby to doha.........both the parents have existing and Valid RP.......How ever the pasport of the wife on maiden name still.........does that effect the bringing of the child to doha at immigration..........The baby is just over 3months.......
Nice Answer
sSince your baby is over 3 months,Go to labor department and get the sponsering family application and then do the following:
1- FIll it up at any typewritter
2- make a copy of your passport and ur wife's and child include the RP page as well for both parents.
3- NOC letter from ur company
4- your contract
5- copy of Electricity&water bill.
6- unabridged birth certificate of your child translated to Arabic and attested.
Submit all the above back to the labor depatment and then wait for the approval in 3 days time.
Then you can go to the immigration department and request to print your visa and pay the fees 200.