i need to know about loans?
I was working before in dubai because of some problem i came on vaccation & i didn't back to dubai.In fact i had loan in dubai.now i m in my home country.one of qatar based company offer me bisuness visa.so what will happen if i come to qatar.please tell me.also i need to know what is GCC rules about loans.loan amount is not high.anybody can give exact information regarding this.
Thank u very much.
Accept that job in Qatar and provide the bank in Dubai your new billing address so you can settle your overdue loan even on stagerred basis. I am quite sure there is a branch in Qatar where you can pay your dues.
U can request ur bank in dubai that u will continue paying the same instalments
Yeah, just like the others said, settle first your loans to prevent trouble.
Loan amount BIG or small you should pay your loan amount asap, otherwise you will face legal problems.
If the loan amount is not big, why can't you pay it off and have peace of mind..?? your questions clear indicates that you are trying to evade from paying this loan money back...!!! isn't it..???? They will catch u sooner if not later...for sure.