Looking for a 19/20 inch rims for sedan
I'm looking for a 19 inch or 20 inch rims with 4 nut holes (fit to many japanese sedan) or with a 5 nut holes (fit to BMW or Mercedes Benz sedan). I've went to one speedshop in Salwa road but they are refused to give me those size as they said that sizes is only for escalade. But actualy in my country, Indonesia, we usualy fit a 20 inches to Honda Jazz easily..
If there's anyone can show me where to buy here in Doha or any shop that can help me to import it from overseas please kindly PM me or just drop me an sms..
Please kindly reffer to my attachment in QatarLiving's cars/service classified posted yesterday 12/11/08, thanks..
i can get you rims body kits suspension performance parts what ever you need