Why third party insurence is so difficult with QIC.
I had bad experience with QIC. wanted third party insurence for my car.they do every day 100 costomers, last two days coupan were finished when i approach them, Today i deceided to reach there early morning, i was there at 5:30 AM. found almost 30 to 40 ppl were already in Que.. wait for one hour and then they open counter for issuing coupan. i got no 38. then i wait again for my turn. i completed at 9:00 am. this was my first experience.which was very bad.why QIC dealing their costomers like slaves. Is there any thing which we can do against them since they do not care their customers.
This has been answered many times. It is because the rates on third party liability insurance are set very low by the government and the insurance companies lose mony on each customer. They cannot refuse customers, under the law, so they just make it difficult to take out a policy.
QIChave lot of money , so they are craeting troubles for people for NO REASON, their behaviour and dealing is very bad, and they don't care for any one,
i think Qatar Govt. should look into this matter immediatly