Can i use P.O box in my office for FedEx?
By park jae min •
I am shopping online,and i want it to be shipped at work because i dont know my exact address at home.
Is it possible for me to use P.O box?
~Look,i know they dont allow P.O box in the U.S,How about international?
It is the same internationally.If you consider to choose FedEx,then your contact numbers and your general address without the P.O.Box,must be obtained. But if you consider to choose USPS then you must provide your P.O.Box
Offcourse you can.
when shopping online from States they will deliver it by Fedex. you need to give your contact number so when your parcel arrives the fedex will call you to come collect.
better ask your company first... if they dont have any objection :) ... some pvt. companies may not allow you to use their PO box for your personal use... but generally, its fine.
It is passable why not po box is part of your work