Does anyone know where, in Doha, you can buy a battery for a 'sports' watch?
A friend of mine asked me this question earlier today. I didn't get a good look at the watch, but I think she said it's the type that gives details of your heart rate when you are exercising whilst wearing it.
I believe she has tried various shops which sell watches but without any luck and I guess she didn't buy it in Doha.
Who's stalking who, here in this thread??? [giggles]
Actually I almost said in earlier post on this thread, that I ought to just tell my non-QL friend to get a life and register here herself!
Poor thing. Her busy, outgoing life must be SO dull! lol
LOL funny no problem let her have friends outside QL too let her enjoy :D
Has nobody told you, you are not allowed to have friends outside of QL. I hope the moderator does not get to hear about it, otherwise you may get into trouble.
Have advised girlfriend to try all other outlets first, before even THINKING about the souq lol
And thanks, scorpio, I have passed on the info.
think it is a heart rate monitor watch. check with sport mart - galaxy sports (opposite to the Centre).
Do tell me later where she got the battery from if from souq then i will impose a fees for my advise :D
Thank you both VERY much for your help. I just rang my friend - she was delighted!
There's a battery shop in the basement of City Centre (west end escalators I think) that has all sorts of those small lithium round batteries. Reasonably priced too.
Go to any watch shop in souq Faleh hope u will find it there.
they got varieties.