i want to sale my hala numbers 6601070 or 3145278 or 6512016 nice numbers but kind off expensive
i want to sale my hala numbers 6601070 or 3145278 or 6512016 nice numbers but kind off expensive plz sms me [email protected]
i want to sale my hala numbers 6601070 or 3145278 or 6512016 nice numbers but kind off expensive plz sms me [email protected]
its nice but u fukin dnt understand them
I understand u have a Qtel dealership.ha, ha, ha, ha......
bcos nothing special in this nos.
alright ...i am ready to buy .. please let me know how much it is .. i am ready to buy for 5000QR .. are u ready to sell it ?? please let me know ...
loooooooooooooooooool ....
ok ..let me put my bid, .50QR ...anyone want to compete with me ?? my maximum budget is 10QR for those numbers :)
For buying/selling....please use the "Classifieds" Section.
that outta be a joke !
You have got to be joking,, sell .. mate place them in the rubbish, what retard would want these numbers, do you know something we dont.....oh pls
what is nice about this nos???????/
I couldn't understand....