Replica/Used Designer bags in Doha?
Hi all, been searching Doha and QL for weeks now! but can not find any good quality replica designer bags! All the ads for bags were like 5months ago etc. I am especially looking for a Prada bag, will attach a pic, so you can see what it looks like.
Please help with some info on where I might be able to get.
Thank you
Exotics Crocodile Bag Exotic Handbags Adriana Castro Crocodile Tote Colombian Designer Adriana Castro Bags Handbag Designer.prestashop
Why don't you try checking ebay. You can find authentic secondhand Prada there for a much cheaper rate. along with a long list of Branded bags and etc.
.fashion victim is
.a person who follows every clothing trend.
.rated PG, how well do you know shoeaddict??
.that's all......
Mallrat thanks for your understanding.
Britexpat thnaks anyway I heard that comments from my husband a dozen of times, he’s equating the price of one bag to 52 inch flat plasma tv,
A "bag to die for"..
I'll buy it for you and then Euthanize you :)
.dear miss saigon.
.buy what you want, that;s you money:)
you work for it you deserve it.
.that's all......
i dont want to loose my focus the next target to buy is LV keychain next payday,
i've just seen the gucci jackie bag, but only in the net, you're right it's a bag to die for, i should be under sedation when i buy this bag.
There is a shop that sells imitations as I was approached by one saleclerk and he showed me the items.
I'm not sure if it's still there coz it was two years agi :-P
your not the fashion victim im referring its the addicted to shoe.
"a step towards the right path is two steps away from evil"
I saw a shop in Souk waqif which sells second hand branded items like handbags and wrist watches but cannot remember the name sorry
Thanks for all your replies. I just think paying an enormous amount for bags are a bit silly, dont mind paying for real diamonds and gold
Will follow your tip about ebay shoegirl
Thanks people...the Fashion Victim is continuing her search! :)
instead telling v that, give suggestions or recommendations not violent reactions.
fashion victim.
anyway, if your looking for quality just buy the genuine one and yah a second hand one is better than fake if you dont want to splurge money esp nowadays. wise spending for your hard eraned money is good but go to things you'll enjoy longer.
happy shopping!
"a step towards the right path is two steps away from evil" like fakey-fakey prada bags?its a FASHION CRIME to be seen carrying a fake one....
better you buy