Who keeps taking all the pickles?
I'm a simple person who has simple taste, and I really like a nice dill pickle now and then. Not the fancy "sweet and sour gherkins" not "zesty garlic" or "bread and butter." Nothing too small like baby pickles, and nothing sliced for sandwiches, hamburgers or in spears. All I really, really like is a simple, not too sour, not too sweet, dill pickle.
I found the perfect one, bought two jars and went back for more and they are gone, gone, gone. Someone else took them and I don't think the store will ever get them back! First there was a big blank spot where the perfect pickles sat on the shelf at the store. Then, sensing an opportunity, the other pickles encroached on the perfect pickles space, and now I'm afraid they will be long forgotten by the grocery store shelf stockers and I may never see the perfect pickle again. :(
you can call your store and ask when they are going to put it on the stack.. or better ask where they order those from..
goodluck with your pickles.. *drooling here*.. :D
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
i love pickles too and they gotta be crunchy, i have one pickle a day just like apples......lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
this happens loads and just when you give up on ever seeing your favourite thing again, it reappears back on the shelf as if by magic :)
If that happens I suggest buying 10 jars or more then you are sure of a good supply whilst waiting for the next shipment.
is "Always Fresh" Classic Dill Pickles. They are a company out of Australia and they make them just like homemade. I've thought about making my own. Does anyone know where I could get a 2-gallon stoneware crock and some less than 24-hour old pickling cucumbers?
Vegas, I said I didn't want baby pickles. LOL.
What brand do you like exactly? I'll keep a lookout. :)
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Vegas, yea right.. really mature.
Forgiveness is life...:)
Change them for Jalapeños !!!!
cheers...from Mexico.