Around 1,900 students will not be able to take their exams
Around 1,900 students have been barred from taking the first mid-term examinations for being absent for seven days or more without a proper excuse.
The tests are scheduled to begin today in independent schools, according to a report on Gulf Times.
The Education Institute at the Supreme Education Council (SEC) had to take this measure based on a behavioural assessment policy that lays stress on discipline and commitment to attendance, according to the report.
The SEC had earlier warned that it would take a harder stance on students who missed school without a plausible reason.
The number of students being absent from classes at local independent schools was at an unacceptable level and reflected negatively on the outcome of the learning process.
QLers: What do you think of this absence policy enforced by Supreme Education Council?
I'm not anybody's dog. I'm the boss.
mauvesquee - by hiring people like you, Qatar's present is already in danger ...
This is a major parenting fail. The parents of these students failed to discipline their kids. Are they not aware what their kids are up to or are they themselves alright with their kids' laziness to attend school?
Also, why is SEC implementing the policy only now? They should've done it ages ago.
Before the government implements Qatarization, they should hone their youth's education and DISCIPLINE first. Are these kids the future of Qatar? If so, then future looks dark.