Are you Stress? The Benefits of Rest & Relaxation....
Are you the type of person constantly on the go? You don't feel content unless you're doing something – anything other than resting? If that describes you, then read on – you're one of the millions of people that don't realize the importance of rest and relaxation.
Rest and relaxation are necessary for well-being. Just like air and water, you cannot live a healthy life without rest and relaxation. They're just as important, and not getting enough rest or sleep can cause serious problems.
Drowsy drivers account for more than 90,000 auto accidents every year, and according to the National Sleep Foundation, there are more than 50,000 injuries resulting from these accidents. More than one thousand people die each year from falling asleep at the wheel.
In addition to putting you at risk for life-threatening accidents, lack of rest and relaxation can affect your concentration, your sex life, your productivity, plus result in an overall degeneration of your health.
Where your health is concerned, it's important that rest and relaxation become second nature. Many people create to-do lists, and proudly mark off each task as it’s accomplished. But how many people add rest and relaxation to their list? Instead of making it a priority, sleep and relaxation is nothing more than a nuisance to the go-getter.
Understanding the downside of not enough downtime, here are some benefits;
Your heart will love you for it. Rest and relaxation helps slow your heart rate which means less unnecessary wear and tear.
Reduces your blood pressure. Stress is a major contributor to high blood pressure, and rest and relaxation help eliminate stress. This alone can lower your chances of getting stress-induced high blood pressure. And if you already have high blood pressure, getting the proper rest can only help.
Reduces muscle tension. Relaxing for a few minutes, a few times each day will help prevent your muscles from tightening to the point of lasting pain, i.e. tension headache.
Improves your energy. You'll be surprised how much energy you'll gain by getting the proper rest. You may be running on empty and not even realize it, and simply getting an extra hour of sleep each day can prove incredibly refreshing.
Reduces your chances of illness. It is no secret that your immune system weakens when you're tired – translating into fatigue, colds, and worse. Rest and relaxation, among other things are important for a healthy immune system.
Improves concentration. A tired mind is a foggy mind. You think clearer and make better decisions when you're well-rested. Period.
Tips for Rest and Relaxation
When you have trouble getting the proper rest or relaxing, simple changes in your daily routine can usually solve the problem. First, ensure you are not suffering from medically defined insomnia by speaking with your doctor. If all is well, and you just need some pointers, then consider the following;
Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Your body benefits from being on a set schedule. Give yourself time for at least 6, preferably 8, hours of sleep per night. Establishing a new bedtime can be tricky if you’re a night owl, therefore try reading or watching television (quietly) while lying in bed.
Unwind shortly before going to bed. This can include a warm bath, listening to quiet music, or reading a book. The goal is to quite your mind and forget about what didn’t get done during the day.
Exercise during the day. People who make physical activity part of their day report sleeping better at night – just don't exercise too close to bedtime.
Meditate. Meditation is not difficult to learn and a valuable practice for quieting a busy mind. It is a wonderful form of deep relaxation, and can be done almost anywhere, at any time. To learn more about meditation, browse this Site, or search online.
If you haven’t learned by now, there is pretty much nothing in life that can’t wait until tomorrow. Just relax.