Filexpat's Dessert Safaari Trip Update
By Qatar Idols •
26th Oct.-Sunday Update
1. Strider
2. Mallrat
3. junarc
4. chichi
5. QI
6. Lhet
7. ida2008
8. BF
9. avishai
10. 8rmjm8
11. owen
12. DMS
13. DMS_wife
14. xplode
15. greentea
16. passion
17. treysdad
18. glecs
19. mikepusa
20. fieryangelinthesky
21. wishdom
22. jozhil
23. ron_ona
24. reagan
25. donie
26. jayce
27. buloy
28. andreis_touch
27th Oct.-Monday Update
29. earlybird
30. dhoy_ranz
31. kenzui
32. alyasbobby
Again, the following list are partial and not yet official. Changes can still be made until we post the Official List of Attendees for the said event by early next month.
Below is the link from yesterday's thread: