Take note of the number of the emergency vehicle.
Guys and gals nagkaroon ng talk ang traffic police sa aming department regarding traffic violations. Anyway we discussed about beating the red light when an emergency vehicle is behind you. It might be an ambulance, civil defence and/or a police car. They said that it is ok to cross a red light just as long as it is "SAFE!" I mean S-A-F-E as in safe and if you can't avoid them. when it is unavoidable ang dapat daw gawin is take note of the date, time, place(traffic light location for that matter) and plate number or body number(if existing) of the vehicle. Kasi if you are not going to make way for the emergency vehicles, they will take your number and report it to the authorities. But its still our decision and best judgement to cross a red light cause it is our right not to cross it especially when our family's life is in our hands. Be safe peeps!