Any alternative to Giggles Day Care?
I had very disappointing experience with Giggles day care. Some of you might jump and try to defend or disagree, however I just wanna say that I was very disappointed of the quality of teachers they have and the management.
As a customer, I don’t have a choice to complaint or raise a request, you have to stick to management decision, a complaint will be turned against you as ruddiness. I felt very bad to leave my kid there in such environment.
Just to highlight on the outcome, my kid BECAME:
- Always sick
- Don’t eat at all there, until we pick her up
- Very sad with red eye (I believe from crying)
Back home, when she was in her nursery, she was very happy, eating like others, rarely sick, I am not sure what’s wrong with Giggle, we tried to meet the management, but rarely available.
Therefore, I would ask for some recommendation for any other nursery in or around Garaffa.
Thanks for everyone advise & feedback.
this link has all nurseries in qatar - check & choose.
Obviously the name of the place needs to be changed