Automatic Subscription SCAM at Ooredoo Mobile Phones
Have anyone become a victim of these scams at Ooredoo mobile phone, never intentionally subscribe, but unilaterally subscribed to a service and charged from our Hala balance?
I have received several SCAMs up to now, but my Hala balance deducted without my permission.
Maybe these companies make a trick, making me subscribe unilaterally only by clicking something when I browse internet or when I click "close" button on advertisement, I never know.
But I believe Ooredoo should do action protecting customers from these scams.
I have reported by calling 111 and by posting help in Community in the internet.
Community responded better by helping unsubscribing me from those scam subscription, while 111 operators basically could do nothing to help.
Below is the list of scams I received recently by sms
From 92817 on Feb 21, 2017, 6:35 AM
You have subscribed to MOBILE MELA - WEEKLY PACK Service for QAR 9.0/week. To unsubscribe, send UNSUB MMW to 92817. For more info, send HELP to 92817. For Download Content Visit:
From 92048 on Feb 24, 2017, 12:05 AM
You have successfully subscribed to KIDS MANIA Service for QAR 36/Month. Click to access service. To unsubscribe, send UNSUB KM to 92048.
From 92455 on Jan 10, 2017, 9:50 PM
You have successfully subscribed to ErosNow daily Service for QAR 1.5/1 days. To unsubscribe, send UNSUB ED to 92455.
How did u fix this scam?? This is happening to me right now deducting my hala credit from ooredoo games i did not subscribe.
As per from ooredoo Services just send an SMS. Just text "Unsub all" to 92600, so to stop all this bulk SMS being slammed by spam.