Car Insurance Claim Help Needed
I hit my car on wall and got some scratches (size of a palm without any dent) on the front bumper and some small scratches on the door. I have reported it to the police and just took out a NOC for workshop thinking that I will be able to pay myself for the repair. But when I went to workshop for quotation, it is very expensive because whole bumper and door need to be repainted to avoid any color difference.
I wanted to apply for another NOC from the police for insurance but I heard that insurance company will not pay if it is only scratches. Does anybody have suggestion on it? I have a comprehensive insurance from Doha Insurance.
If I don’t repair it but put some touchup paint myself, do you think this will be enough to pass the technical inspection for my registration renewal?
Your suggestion and advice will be highly appreciated.
it doesn't come in the technical requirements... but in legal, which is though a minor thing...
Scratches on bumpers are usually waived by the police officer at the testing centre.