Driving with International driving Licence
I am from India. I am here in Qatar for Family Visit Visa. I have the International driving permit from India. My Qatar driving licence is under process. So I am used with the right side driving. I just want to confirm that can I drive with international licence in Qatar.
If yes,
Do we need to get any temporary licence from the traffic department with the International licence or can we drive directly with the international licence?
what type of vehicles ( rent a car or own car) I can drive?
Is there any issue for claiming the insurance if any accident happens?
How long we can drive with international licence?That means till the Visa validity or the Licence validity or up to 3 or 6 months after entering the country?
I was checking the same question with many friends & many rent a car services. No one know the details. every ones says the different answers. I checked with the traffic department also. They are also not sure about the details. \but they said one thing that I can drive with the international licence. But the validity different persons says different answers.
I saw in the hukoomi website that we can drive with international driving licence in Qatar for up to 6 months for the persons who are on visit visa. Bu t the officials also not sure about the details.
So please help me if any one knows the details???
+974 33584091
watsaap- +91 9739952363
I think you cannot drive a car in Qatar with international DL (IDP) issued from India. Check trafiic authority website of your state. All the GCC countries will be marked as a *, that means you need to contact the traffic department of the country that you are visiting. And they will not allow you!!!
If the "officials" are not sure, who the hell can be sure??
Asked many times.. Why not search QL for starters