Hi Peepz!
I just want to ask if anyone know's regarding the updated GOOGLE EARTH. Because I was trying to search a place here in Doha I can't find it using Google Earth or Wikimapia. I need to search for a new Building after Al Mirqab Roundabout straight and you can see a Building of Alaqaria Tower. At the back of this Tower there's a new Building. But if you see it using Google Map or Wikimapia it doesn't show.
I hope somebody can help me and advise on what to do. Any program that I need to use.
Your help is very much appreciated..
Thanks & Regards,
Gorgeous Tarush
it's for our company Stealth..I need to print out the location map that show's the New Building..
Ok. Now why do you want it on the map?
thanks a lot Teyob@Doha for your help..but the problems is I cannot find the Building..Even if I type the Al Mirqab roundabout you cannot see the Building.
I already click the link you have provided still the same..maybe it's not updated..
Only Alaqaria Tower..the new buildings is unseen..
No need for google earth, just type Al Mirqab round-about in google search and select from the result page, or go to this link